Lenses x Cultures is a project in collaboration with the North Luzon Cinema Guild, Inc. and  the Scottish Documentary Institute- supported by the British Council, dedicated to supporting  emerging filmmakers and their projects. Filmmakers who have the passion and commitment to  telling powerful stories through creative documentary, we are here to help develop your idea by  sharing our expertise from our pool of mentors. 

Lenses x Cultures is a project funded by the British Council through the Connections Through  Culture Program. The Creative Documentary Film Lab is designed to promote new connections,  exchanges, and collaborations between the UK and Southeast Asia that build long-term relationships  among artists, creative practitioners, and art and cultural organizations, hubs, networks, and  collectives. 


The Creative Documentary Film Lab aims to intensify the stories and develop the project with  the filmmakers that aim to enhance their skills in creative documentary and to produce competitive  documentary projects showcasing the unique narratives. It also aims to link filmmakers and projects  to possible co-producers leading to collaborations. 

The Lab is a 6-week intensive online mentoring of participants from documentary mentors  from the UK and the Philippines. Participants will be given intensive training that would nurture  their technical skills in creative documentary filmmaking. Participants are expected to produce a  documentary proposal and video trailers for the duration of the lab. 

Aside from the film lab, there will be a series of public webinars that aims to include topics that  will help filmmakers approach their documentary projects such as: 

(1) working with indigenous people; 

(2) approaching sensitive topics and their subjects;  

(3) amplifying the human rights campaign; and,

(4) producing your documentary films.

How to Apply

Visit nlcgi.com/lensesXcultures to get the application documents.

Download the Application Documents, which includes the (a) Project Brief, and (b) Application Form.

Application Checklist:

  • Data Collection Consent Form
  • Filmmaker’s Information
  • Project Information
  • Filmmaker’s Profile
  • Consent Form (for Minors)

Open the link. Create a Copy of the Application Form and fill it out with the required information.

Send the Application Form at lensesxcultures@gmail.com

Subject: LensesXCultures_(TitleofProject)_(LastName,FirstName) e.g. [LensesXCultures_NorteHilaga_DelaCruz,Juan]


Lenses X Cultures: A Creative Documentary Film Lab accepts applicants who  have short/full-length nonfiction projects.

Applicants may submit projects in the early stages of development. All proposals  must convey some vision for a finished film by including treatment of their  projects. Projects that have not yet secured characters or subjects, are unable  to articulate a story or structure or are unable to explain the project’s driving  central question are discouraged. We are unable to consider proposals for story  research. You do not need any prior funding or a fiscal sponsor in order to apply. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Call for LensesXCultures Film Lab Fellows 

October 25- November 11, 2021

Announcement of Qualified Applicants 

November 24, 2021

Orientation and Program Brief 

November 27, 2021

Documentary Film Lab Proper

December 11, 2021- January 16, 2021

Saturdays | 4:00 PM- 6:00 PM (PH Time)

Sundays | 4:00 PM- 5:30 PM (PH Time)

Culminating Activity

January 29, 2022

  • Candidates are required to have produced or co-produced at least one  documentary short  
  • Candidates must be lead producers or the director of the project they  are applying with. 
  • Candidates must be in the early development stages of the project.
  • Candidates must live in the Philippines. 
  • Candidates under the legal age must secure a consent form when  applying for the lab 
  • Candidates must be available for the entirety of the Lab dates above.

The Creative Documentary Film Lab is a 6-week intensive program designed to nurture emerging documentary filmmakers from the Philippines mentored by experts from Scotland and the Philippines. The program is designed to hone emerging filmmakers’ creative instincts and evolve their communication and problem-solving skills at all stages of their film project.

The film lab will be delivered Online through Zoom, Discord, Google Meet and other online tools accessible to the participants.

There is no cost to participate in this Lab.

  • Participants will produce a trailer and a treatment for their chosen project, ready to pitch at international markets;
  • Participants will acquire knowledge of international markets and industry standards;
  • Participants will develop collaborations amongst themselves;
  • Participants will enhance their creative skills in terms of story development for documentary.

Application Documents (Download Here)

Selection Jury Members